Creating deep and lasting impact is at the core of what we do.

Our Impact

We invest in solutions to the most challenging issues.

Driving capital toward human flourishing, a thriving planet, and an inclusive and sustainable economy.

  • 1. People

    Advancing human well-being

    • Inclusive Innovation
    • Education & Upskilling
    • Health & Wellness
  • 2. Planet

    Preserving and protecting our world

    • Renewable & Efficient Energy
    • Conservation & Climate Change
    • Sustainable Food Systems
  • 3. Economy

    Promoting inclusive and sustainable growth

    • Financial Inclusion
    • Small Business Development
    • Affordable Housing

Our Intentionality

Our impact is intentionally integrated
at all stages of decision-making.

We consider impact at every step in our investment process: underwriting and structuring investments, portfolio management and active engagement with our portfolio around impact, all the way through exit.

Impact You Can See

Personalized Impact Reporting

Impact Alpha

* We provide personalized impact reports tailored to each investor's values and objectives, clearly demonstrating how their investments reflect their commitment to making a difference.

Beyond the Numbers

We believe investing should be an uplifting experience.

We share emotionally resonant impact from our portfolio, enabling investors to feel the alignment their financial goals with their deeply held personal values or organizational missions.

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